30 November 2009

Let your hair, not your guard, down this Christmas

The holiday season is supposed to be a happy time to spend with family and friends. Becoming a victim of crime is the last thing most people are thinking about while they're out at Christmas lunches and New Years Eve parties. That said, there are some crimes, including domestic violence, drink driving, robbery and rape, which become more common over the holidays.

The Association of Chief Police Officers launched a new campaign today reminding women of the steps they can take to keep themselves safe. These include:
  • Let your hair down, not your guard down
  • no consent means no sex
  • take a taxi you can trust.

TV ads set in a bar will be reminding men that rape is a short word, but a long sentence.

Sexual assault is a horrific crime that is never deserved. When out with your friends, look out for each others safety. You can read crime prevention advice for women on the Crimestoppers website.

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